PhilHealth Nationwide Run 2013

We’re enjoying fun runs.. jogging in the morning is one of our favorite bonding. And so this is our 2nd successful run! We’re so improving from a 3-kilometer run up to our first  5-kilometer run!

photo from a friend..

photo from a good friend..

Since it’s a nationwide run, they have so many sponsors. One of the sponsors we really love is the Viva Healthcare Philippines because of the photo booth they provided…

photo booth sponsored by Viva HealthCare Philippines

photo booth sponsored by Viva HealthCare Philippines

Philhealth Fun Run 5km Road Race RESULT… out of 729 runners of 5k, we ranked at 529・530… 53:00 minutes on he run… not bad at all… FUN RUN indeed!

5km Road Race RESULT- MANILA

Freebies, 2 thumbs up! Prizes – 2 thumbs up! though we got nothing.. haha..only few freebies..

18k background :)

18k background 🙂


took photos before and after the run...

photos took before and after the run…

18 SITES, 18 YEARS, 1 NATION (Philippines!)*

The nationwide run on February 17, 2013 marks PhilHealth’s 18years of service to the Filipino people, having been established in 1995 with the enactment of Republic Act 7875.

The event’s simultaneous staging across 18 sites in the country emphasizes the point of unity and oneness in aim and spirit. As PhilHealth’s 18th year anniversary celebration for February, dubbed National Health Insurance Month through Presidential Proclamation No. 1400 in 2007, it will surely stand different from the rest as one of historic and great proportions.

In support of the country’s efforts towards achieving the Millenium Development Goals of reducing child mortality and improving maternal health, proceeds from the event will be used to support national and regional institutions promoting the protection of mothers and children in the country. The national beneficiary of the PhilHealth Run 2013 is the Philippine Children’s Medical Center, and local beneficiaries vary per region. More than just a running event, it endeavors to uphold the importance of our mother’sand children’s health in the challenge of nation-building.

Angeles City Flying Club – ACFC

It’s a very very late post… Totally UPLATE here! It’s been three months since I started it’s draft… hahaha! So pathetic, I wasn’t able to blog this one… But now, I’m proud to publish it.

EDEN usually free the first week of january to have more bondings. We started doing this 1-week vacation just last year (2012), and went to Baguio City for our first trip. We had tours and lots of adventures. Now, Another year came (2013) and we want more… We initially planned to have a vacation in Caramoan, so we made reservations and down payments so early. But then, we thought that it would be more fun if we’ll do ATV adventures in Legaspi, Albay. And so that’s it, finally (i thought). But unfortunately our trip in CamSur and Legazpi did not push through. We changed our minds again. We found out that it’s really more fun under the water…. Yes, diving! (Check our Aquanaut Voyage adventure) Finally, we made it! We really enjoyed the underwater activites. And of course, if there’s underwater on our list, there should be an on-air/flying adventures! We really don’t know how to make it possible.. .until we found Angeles City Flying Club that welcomes experienced pilots and even absolute beginners for an introduction flight or for a complete course.

It just so happened that the color of our clothes and the planes we'll be using were alike... hahaha!

It just so happened that the color of our clothes and the planes we’ll be using were alike… hahaha!

Let me introduce you first the ACFC.

It is an ultralight flying club and flying school two hours north of Manila in the Philppines. Since 1993 they offer pilot training, plane rental, hangar rental and maintenance services. Today the ACFC is one of the best know flying clubs in Asia. And they are one of the top adventure holiday destinations in the Philippines.

They are open to all who are interested in ultralight flying (including light sport aircraft and microlight flying). Even non-members can try to fly an ultralight plane (they give a qualified instructor). As a member you can do a complete ultralight flight training, rent planes or store your own plane in the club hangars. Their members come from all over the world and they are always open to visitors and new members.SAM_0094

Here we go…Up, up, and awaaaaayyyyy!!!!


I’m kinda nervous at first but when Chris the Pilot says it’s safer than any other planes, I calmed down.

It was my first time to set foot on an aircraft facility and for me ACFC is world class. The ambiance is perfect. The Mt. Arayat’s view is quite intimidating though.


How to get there

The 45-minute experience on air worth all the expenses. Such a great experience especially to those who had never been to a real airplane like me. Hahaha!

The Wakepark is located in the innermost part of Nuvali Complex past Solenad II.

Via Public Transpo:
Take a Bus bound to Sta.Rosa or Balibago(Jac Liner/Jam) from GMA Kamuning, Buendia or TAFT – > Get off at Coca Cola Plant located in Sta. Rosa Exit – > Ride a tricycle to Paseo de Sta.Rosa – > Take the free shuttle service to Republ1c.The earliest schedule is at 7am, if you missed it you have to wait for the next trip.

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Alphabet of LOVE

Alphabet of LOVE ALWAYS AND FOREVER EDKAR – And we both know, that our love will grow…And forever it will be you and me..

BLESSED – Every single day, I am grateful and thankful to GOD for you.. for having you in my life..

CHERISH – I already forgot the number of times you said “I Love You”, but every time you did so, my heart would always flutter at the sound of you voice and I would always feel most cherished. … because I do cherish you for the rest of my life..You don’t have to think twice..I will love you still from the depths of my soul..

DREAM – Ever since I was a child, I dreamt of being a princess… and a beauty queen… Thanks for treating me like a princess and for making me feels like a very beautiful queen…

EZEKIEL – Name of the first ever big stuff you gave me… So huggable… Remember our valentine last Feb 2011.

FAVORITE – Out of all the moments in my life, the ones I’ve spent with you are my most favorite..

GOD-CENTERED – Secret of a long and lasting relationship…. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails …

HEART – I love you for your kindness ans understanding heart.. The one that, somehow, always says “I love you so much..”


JAIL – You have imprisoned my heart…don’t worry, I won’t go out and never will… for I know I have a very special place in your heart…

KISSES – Shut up and kiss me! :-*

LOYALTY – You’ve been so loyal and faithful to me ever since our world begun… You never had another girl except me and only me.. thank you so much!

MEANINGFUL – Every little thing you do and from you really touch my heart and mean so much to me. You have touched my heart in so many ways over the years, and every little gesture of love you show makes me feel a million dollars, because little things really do mean a lot.

NAUGHTY – I love you when you crack corny jokes… So sweet you melt the heart, and with enough naughtiness to set the libido on fire.

OPENNESS – We don’t hide anything about us.. we share thoughts, feelings and we’re very open to each other…

PROTECTIVE – You’ve been so over-protected to me in so many ways… even in a very simple way… I feel at home whenever I’m with you because I feel so safe..

QUARRELS – You never quit… We never did… I so love it when we argue then we go back to normal… sweeter than candy… seems like nothing happens so bad… No perfect relationship, isn’t it?

REAL – I never had a very true friend except YOU… I never have a real lover except YOU.. Thanks for being a true bestfriend and a boyfriend to me 🙂 You stand by and believe in me like nobody ever has. When my world goes crazy, you’re right there to save me. You make me see how much I really have. I have you. For the first time, I’ve found someone I hate leaving. I’ve found someone that I can’t get enough of. I’ve found someone that accepts me for who I am and doesn’t tell me I need to change. I know it may sound cheesy and I know it may sound cliche, but you’re the first person that has taught me to miss someone. You’ve taught me to miss a person from the heart, not the mind.

SWEET – I love the way you say my name …

THOUGHTFUL – A packed lunch, complete with delicious veggie viand and rice, plus merienda, and seeing his pretty sweet smiles for just a few minutes, complete my day, EVERYDAY! You never fail to amaze me. Every day you do or say something else that reinforces how lucky I am to have you.

UNDERSTANDING – It’s really nice to have a very understanding boyfriend… understanding in so many ways specially when the times I don’t understand anything and everything…

UNCONDITIONAL – I will always love you unconditionally. I don’t care how you look or how you dress. I don’t mind if you gain a little weight or shed a pound or two. You’re still the same you on the inside. I fell in love with your personality. I vow to always love you for who you are, not what you look like. You’re a beautiful person and you ALWAYS will be. I promise you that.

VALENTINE – I actually made this Alphabet of EDEN Lovers for this valentine’s day.. hehe I hope you liked it!

WEDDING – Oh, well… hehehe

XTRAORDINARY – You know what’s good in ordinary day/s? We can really make it special without knowing how…just you and me…and that’s sooo amazing!

YOU – People who can always make e smile… People who constantly show me new things to love about the world… People I want to spend the rest of my life… it’s YOU… ONLY YOU …

ZOMBIES – We’ll be always and forever EDEN, ’til we became zombies.. hahaha! ALPHABET OF EDEN LOVERS Finally, I made it! I was just inspired by the word LOVE.. Happy Valentine’s day Mi… though sometimes, it’s really hard to find words to tell you how much you mean to me. A lot of times, I don’t say anything at all. But I hope someday, you’ll understand, having you is what I live for.