First attempt


Just got my new DSLR, Canon EOS 700D for beginners like me 🙂 I’m not into photography but it will lead me there… I guess 🙂 coz I’m fine with selfies, you know…

So this is my first attempt, tryin’ to capture images using a night’s recipe.

1″3 shutter speed F4 ISO100

It’s a nice try for me and I like how the front light of cars turn into a long light and making curves thru following cars movements.

1″10 shutter speed f5.6 ISO6400

What I like here is the dramatic effect of the night sky emphasizing world’s tallest tower, The Burj Khalifa. This is the best view from my balcony… Showing the Dhow Cruise on the creek, and the lights and everthing, for me it’s perfect. (pardon me, beginner here…)

1″3 shutter speed F4.0 ISO125

Moreover, on my right side, where I’m standing (at the balcony) is this… I just appeciated this view after I captured this photo. Hahaha it’s funny how people fell in love with the places just by looking at the photos.

I feel so amazing! 😍😍😍