Trip to Dubai✈️✈️✈️

Long distance relationship works when two people have constant communication. Now I’m making another way so we’ll be together again because if I will just stay in Philippines, I will surely wait for 2 years before we met. And i hate the 5-hour time difference. Well, I’ve just arrived in Dubai, finally! And I’m just an hour ahead. There’s no specific date yet but maybe in 3 to 4 months, i’ll be seeing my lovey-dovey here. Haha! I’m so excited. He’s in Dammam, Saudi Arabia and he’ll be flying to Dubai very soon.

Going here is the most challenging experience I’ve ever did. I was interrogated by the Philippine Immigration Officers. Haha! Yes, I was almost offloaded but still allowed because maybe I faced them and answered them politely with courage. Hahaha. Now that I’m here, I’ll be making most of my stay here at its best.

See you very soon sweetheart! 💖💗💋💋💋


One thought on “Trip to Dubai✈️✈️✈️

  1. Hello!

    Just stumbled onto your blog! We’re starting an LDR blogging community in January and wondered if you’d be interested in joining. It’s invite only so if you’re interested please contact me via my email address as soon as you can!

    P.S. Can we keep this invite private/unpublished?
    Thanks a bunch.

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